[Digital American Standard Version, 2011]


This version is an attempt by Ted Hildebrandt to make a totally free Bible version that is accurate and uses contemporary English built off the ASV (1901). The hope is that this version, because it is free and without restrictions, will be able to be used in the web environment for multimedia and web applications without the developers having to worry about copyright limitations. I'm also hoping my students will be able to use it on projects without having to worry about copyright infringement. It is now completed in the fall of 2011. Feel free to use these texts anyway you desire to put them into graphic and audio contexts as well as text contexts. Enjoy and proclaim the Word of God utilizing the new media formats. With this version I am exploring the potential of the shifts from text on a page to the utilizing of the
potential of the computer, tablet or phone screen. What shifts take place as the medium (page to screen; written to audio or visual) is changed?
If you do any interesting creative work experimenting with this I'd love to hear from you and see your work.

Recently I have copyrighted this material (October, 2011) to avoid it being taken by someone else, modified and then locked
down. So it is copyrighted but I hereby grant anyone permission to use it in whatever form (text, graphics and audio) or fashion
you would like without changing its contents. When you use it just cite the copyright notification and you're good to go:
© DASV Bible, 2011, Ted Hildebrandt.

Whole Bible

DASV Bible      [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing, linked], [*.html web viewing; unlinked]
                          [*.docx Word for word processing linked];

Old Testament [jump to New Testament]

Old Testament Text

DASV Old Testament   [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing; unlinked]
                                     [*.docx Word for word processing, linked];

Genesis            [*.doc Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Exodus             [*.doc Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]

Leviticus           [*.doc Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Numbers          [*.doc Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Deuteronomy   [*.doc Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Joshua             [*.doc Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Judges             [*.doc Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Ruth                [*.doc Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
1 Samuel         [*.doc Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
2 Samuel         [*.doc Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
1 Kings            [*.doc Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
2 Kings            [*.doc Word for word processing];[*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
1 Chronicles     [*.doc Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
2 Chronicles     [*.doc Word for word processing];[*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Ezra                 [*.doc Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Nehemiah         [*.doc Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Esther              [*.doc Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Job                  [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]

Psalms             [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Proverbs          [*.doc Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Ecclesiastes      [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Song of Songs  [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]

Isaiah               [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Jeremiah           [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Lamentations    [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Ezekiel             [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]

Daniel               [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Hosea              [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Joel                  [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Amos               [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Obadiah           [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Jonah               [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Micah              [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Nahum            [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Habakkuk       [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Zephaniah        [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Haggai             [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Zechariah         [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Malachi            [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]

DASV Chapter text + Audio Reading

Genesis Ruth Ezra Song of Songs Joel Zephaniah
Exodus 1 Samuel Nehemiah Isaiah Amos Haggai
Leviticus 2 Samuel Esther Jeremiah Obadiah Zechariah
Numbers 1 Kings Job Lamentations Jonah Malachi
Deuteronomy 2 Kings Psalms Ezekiel Micah  
Joshua 1 Chronicles Proverbs Daniel Nahum  
Judges 2 Chronicles Ecclesiastes Hosea Habakkuk  

       (Push Control key+"+" to increase font size;  Push Control key + "-" to decrease font size)

Musical DASV in Song for Scripture Memory
Proverbs in Song for Scripture Memory    
       Proverbs 2:6 Text + Song © 2010 Katie Nellis; Download the song (right-click, Save As)
       Proverbs 3:5-6 Text + Song © 2010 Katie Nellis; Download the song (right-click, Save As)
       Proverbs 9:8 Text + Song © 2010 Katie Nellis; Download the song (right-click, Save As)
       Proverbs 11:12 Text + Song © 2010 Katie Nellis; Download the song (right-click, Save As)
       Proverbs 12:15 Text + Song © 2010 Katie Nellis; Download the song (right-click, Save As)
       Proverbs 12:25 Text and Song © 2010 Katie Nellis; Download the song (right-click, Save As)
       Proverbs 14:12 Text and Song © 2010 Katie Nellis; Download the song (right-click, Save As)
       Proverbs 15:1 Text and Song © 2010 Katie Nellis; Download the song (right-click, Save As)

Psalms in Song for Scripture Memory
       Psalm 1:1-2 © 2010 Katie Nellis
       Psalm 23 © 2010 Katie Nellis

Textual Visualization Commentary (Flash Videos; wmv=Windows)
             Macs can play wmv's with the free download supplement to Quicktime at:                     
             or a Media player at: http://www.microsoft.com/mac/products/flip4mac.mspx

      Proverbs 1 [Flash; wmv]  Proverbs 2 [Flash; wmv]

DASV Download Audio (*.mp3)

   [Right click on audio you want and then "Save Target as" to save to your computer or player.]

Genesis Audio:  Zip file of Gen. 1-50

Gen. 1 Gen. 2 Gen. 3 Gen. 4 Gen. 5 Gen. 6 Gen. 7 Gen. 8 Gen. 9 Gen. 10
Gen. 11 Gen. 12 Gen. 13 Gen. 14 Gen. 15 Gen. 16 Gen. 17 Gen. 18 Gen. 19 Gen. 20
Gen. 21 Gen. 22 Gen. 23 Gen. 24 Gen. 25 Gen. 26 Gen. 27 Gen. 28 Gen. 29 Gen. 30
Gen. 31 Gen. 32 Gen. 33 Gen. 34 Gen. 35 Gen. 36 Gen. 37 Gen. 38 Gen. 39 Gen. 40
Gen. 41 Gen. 42 Gen. 43 Gen. 44 Gen. 45 Gen. 46 Gen. 47 Gen. 48 Gen. 49 Gen. 50

Exodus Audio: Zip file of Exodus 1-40

Ex. 1 Ex. 2 Ex. 3 Ex. 4 Ex. 5 Ex. 6 Ex. 7 Ex. 8 Ex. 9 Ex. 10
Ex. 11 Ex. 12 Ex. 13 Ex. 14 Ex. 15 Ex. 16 Ex. 17 Ex. 18 Ex. 19 Ex. 20
Ex. 21 Ex. 22 Ex. 23 Ex. 24 Ex. 25 Ex. 26 Ex. 27 Ex. 28 Ex. 29 Ex. 30
Ex. 31 Ex. 32 Ex. 33 Ex. 34 Ex. 35 Ex. 36 Ex. 37 Ex. 38 Ex. 39 Ex. 40

Leviticus Audio:  Zip file of Leviticus 1-27

Lev. 1 Lev. 2 Lev. 3 Lev. 4 Lev. 5 Lev. 6 Lev. 7 Lev. 8 Lev. 9 Lev. 10
Lev. 11 Lev. 12 Lev. 13 Lev. 14 Lev. 15 Lev. 16 Lev. 17 Lev. 18 Lev. 19 Lev. 20
Lev. 21 Lev. 22 Lev. 23 Lev. 24 Lev. 25 Lev. 26 Lev. 27      

Numbers Audio: Zip file of Numbers 1-36

Num. 1 Num. 2 Num. 3 Num. 4 Num. 5 Num. 6 Num. 7 Num. 8 Num. 9 Num. 10
Num. 11 Num. 12 Num. 13 Num. 14 Num. 15 Num. 16 Num. 17 Num. 18 Num. 19 Num. 20
Num. 21 Num. 22 Num. 23 Num. 24 Num. 25 Num. 26 Num. 27 Num. 28 Num. 29 Num. 30
Num. 31 Num. 32 Num. 33 Num. 34 Num. 35 Num. 36        

Deuteronomy Audio:Zip file of Deuteronomy 1-34

Deut. 1 Deut. 2 Deut. 3 Deut. 4 Deut. 5 Deut. 6 Deut. 7 Deut. 8 Deut. 9 Deut. 10
Deut. 11 Deut. 12 Deut. 13 Deut. 14 Deut. 15 Deut. 16 Deut. 17 Deut. 18 Deut. 19 Deut. 20
Deut. 21 Deut. 22 Deut. 23 Deut. 24 Deut. 25 Deut. 26 Deut. 27 Deut. 28 Deut. 29 Deut. 30
Deut. 31 Deut. 32 Deut. 33 Deut. 34            

Joshua Audio: Zip file of Joshua 1-24

Jos. 1 Jos. 2 Jos. 3 Jos. 4 Jos. 5 Jos. 6 Jos. 7 Jos. 8 Jos. 9 Jos. 10
Jos. 11 Jos. 12 Jos. 13 Jos. 14 Jos. 15 Jos. 16 Jos. 17 Jos. 18 Jos. 19 Jos. 20
Jos. 21 Jos. 22 Jos. 23 Jos. 24            

Judges Audio: Zip file of Judges 1-21

Jud. 1 Jud. 2 Jud. 3 Jud. 4 Jud. 5 Jud. 6 Jud. 7 Jud. 8 Jud. 9 Jud. 10
Jud. 11 Jud. 12 Jud. 13 Jud. 14 Jud. 15 Jud. 16 Jud. 17 Jud. 18 Jud. 19 Jud. 20
Jud. 21                

Ruth Audio: Zip file of Ruth 1-4

Ruth 1 Ruth 2 Ruth 3 Ruth 4            

1 Samuel Audio: Zip file of 1 Samuel 1-31

1Sam. 1 1Sam. 2 1Sam. 3 1Sam. 4 1Sam. 5 1Sam. 6 1Sam. 7 1Sam. 8 1Sam. 9 1Sam. 10
1Sam. 11 1Sam. 12 1Sam. 13 1Sam. 14 1Sam. 15 1Sam. 16 1Sam. 17 1Sam. 18 1Sam. 19 1Sam. 20
1Sam. 21 1Sam. 22 1Sam. 23 1Sam. 24 1Sam. 25 1Sam. 26 1Sam. 27 1Sam. 28 1Sam. 29 1Sam. 30
1Sam. 31                  

2 Samuel Audio:  Zip file of 2 Samuel 1-24

2Sam. 1 2Sam. 2 2Sam. 3 2Sam. 4 2Sam. 5 2Sam. 6 2Sam. 7 2Sam. 8 2Sam. 9 2Sam. 10
2Sam. 11 2Sam. 12 2Sam. 13 2Sam. 14 2Sam. 15 2Sam. 16 2Sam. 17 2Sam. 18 2Sam. 19 2Sam. 20
2Sam. 21 2Sam. 22 2Sam. 23 2Sam. 24            

1 Kings Audio: Zip file of 1 Kings 1-22

1 Kgs. 1 1 Kgs. 2 1 Kgs. 3 1 Kgs. 4 1 Kgs. 5 1 Kgs. 6 1 Kgs. 7 1 Kgs. 8 1 Kgs. 9 1 Kgs. 10
1 Kgs. 11 1 Kgs. 12 1 Kgs. 13 1 Kgs. 14 1 Kgs. 15 1 Kgs. 16 1 Kgs. 17 1 Kgs. 18 1 Kgs. 19 1 Kgs. 20
1 Kgs. 21 1 Kgs. 22                

2 Kings Audio: Zip file of 2 Kings 1-25

2 Kgs. 1 2 Kgs.. 2 2 Kgs.. 3 2 Kgs. 4 2 Kgs. 5 2 Kgs. 6 2 Kgs. 7 2 Kgs. 8 2 Kgs. 9 2 Kgs. 10
2 Kgs. 11 2 Kgs. 12 2 Kgs. 13 2 Kgs. 14 2 Kgs. 15 2 Kgs. 16 2 Kgs. 17 2 Kgs. 18 2 Kgs. 19 2 Kgs. 20
2 Kgs. 21 2 Kgs. 22 2 Kgs. 23 2 Kgs. 24 2 Kgs.. 25          

1 Chronicles Audio: Zip file of 1 Chronicles 1-29
1Chr. 1 1Chr. 2 1Chr. 3 1Chr. 4 1Chr. 5 1Chr. 6 1Chr. 7 1Chr. 8 1Chr. 9 1Chr. 10
1Chr. 11 1Chr. 12 1Chr. 13 1Chr. 14 1Chr. 15 1Chr. 16 1Chr. 17 1Chr. 18 1Chr. 19 1Chr. 20
1Chr.21 1Chr. 22 1Chr. 23 1Chr. 24 1Chr. 25 1Chr. 26 1Chr. 27 1Chr. 28 1Chr. 29  

2 Chronicles Audio: Zip file of 2 Chronicles 1-36
2Chr 1 2Chr. 2 2Chr. 3 2Chr. 4 2Chr. 5 2Chr. 6 2Chr. 7 2Chr. 8 2Chr. 9 2Chr. 10
2Chr. 11 2Chr. 12 2Chr. 13 2Chr. 14 2Chr. 15 2Chr. 16 2Chr. 17 2Chr. 18 2Chr. 19 2Chr. 20
2Chr. 21 2Chr. 22 2Chr. 23 2Chr. 24 2Chr. 25 2Chr. 26 2Chr. 27 2Chr. 28 2Chr. 29 2Chr. 30
2Chr. 31 2Chr. 32 2Chr. 33 2Chr. 34 2Chr. 35 2Chr. 36        

Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther Audio: Zip file of Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther
Ezra 1 Ezra 2 Ezra 3 Ezra 4 Ezra 5 Ezra 6 Ezra 7 Ezra 8 Ezra 9 Ezra 10
Neh. 1 Neh. 2 Neh. 3 Neh. 4 Neh. 5 Neh. 6 Neh. 7 Neh. 8 Neh. 9 Neh. 10
Neh. 11 Neh. 12 Neh. 13              
Esther 1 Esther 2 Esther 3 Esther 4 Esther 5 Esther 6 Esther 7 Esther 8 Esther 9 Esther 10

Job Audio:   Whole book Zip file of Job 1-42

Job 1 Job 2 Job 3 Job 4 Job 5 Job 6 Job 7 Job 8 Job 9 Job 10
Job 11 Job 12 Job 13 Job 14 Job 15 Job 16 Job 17 Job 18 Job 19 Job 20
Job 21 Job 22 Job 23 Job 24 Job 25 Job 26 Job 27 Job 28 Job 29 Job 30
Job 31 Job 32 Job 33 Job 34 Job 35 Job 36 Job 37 Job 38 Job 39 Job 40
Job 41 Job 42                

Psalms Audio:   Zip file of Psalms 1-150

Ps. 1 Ps. 2 Ps. 3 Ps. 4 Ps. 5 Ps. 6 Ps. 7 Ps. 8 Ps. 9 Ps. 10
Ps. 11 Ps. 12 Ps. 13 Ps. 14 Ps. 15 Ps. 16 Ps. 17 Ps. 18 Ps. 19 Ps. 20
Ps. 21 Ps. 22 Ps. 23 Ps. 24 Ps. 25 Ps. 26 Ps. 27 Ps. 28 Ps. 29 Ps. 30
Ps. 31 Ps. 32 Ps. 33 Ps. 34 Ps. 35 Ps. 36 Ps. 37 Ps. 38 Ps. 39 Ps. 40
Ps. 41 Ps. 42 Ps. 43 Ps. 44 Ps. 45 Ps. 46 Ps. 47 Ps. 48 Ps. 49 Ps. 50
Ps. 51 Ps. 52 Ps. 53 Ps. 54 Ps. 55 Ps. 56 Ps. 57 Ps. 58 Ps. 59 Ps. 60
Ps. 61 Ps. 62 Ps. 63 Ps. 64 Ps. 65 Ps. 66 Ps. 67 Ps. 68 Ps. 69 Ps. 70
Ps. 71 Ps. 72 Ps. 73 Ps. 74 Ps. 75 Ps. 76 Ps. 77 Ps. 78 Ps. 79 Ps. 80
Ps. 81 Ps. 82 Ps. 83 Ps. 84 Ps. 85 Ps. 86 Ps. 87 Ps. 88 Ps. 89 Ps. 90
Ps. 91 Ps. 92 Ps. 93 Ps. 94 Ps. 95 Ps. 96 Ps. 97 Ps. 98 Ps. 99 Ps. 100
Ps. 101 Ps. 102 Ps. 103 Ps. 104 Ps. 105 Ps. 106 Ps. 107 Ps. 108 Ps. 109 Ps. 110
Ps. 111 Ps. 112 Ps. 113 Ps. 114 Ps. 115 Ps. 116 Ps. 117 Ps. 118 Ps. 119 Ps. 120
Ps. 121 Ps. 122 Ps. 123 Ps. 124 Ps. 125 Ps. 126 Ps. 127 Ps. 128 Ps. 129 Ps. 130
Ps. 131 Ps. 132 Ps. 133 Ps. 134 Ps.135 Ps. 136 Ps. 137 Ps. 138 Ps. 139 Ps. 140
Ps. 141 Ps. 142 Ps. 143 Ps. 144 Ps. 145 Ps. 146 Ps. 147 Ps. 148 Ps. 149 Ps. 150

Proverbs Audio:  Zip file of Proverbs 1-31

Prov. 1 Prov. 2 Prov. 3 Prov. 4 Prov. 5 Prov. 6 Prov. 7 Prov. 8 Prov. 9 Prov. 10
Prov. 11 Prov. 12 Prov. 13 Prov. 14 Prov. 15 Prov. 16 Prov. 17 Prov. 18 Prov. 19 Prov. 20
Prov. 21 Prov. 22 Prov. 23 Prov. 24 Prov. 25 Prov. 26 Prov. 27 Prov. 28 Prov. 29 Prov. 30
Prov. 31                  

Ecclesiastes Audio:  Zip file of the Whole book of Ecclesiastes 1-12

Eccl. 1 Eccl. 2 Eccl. 3 Eccl. 4 Eccl. 5 Eccl. 6 Eccl. 7 Eccl. 8 Eccl. 9 Eccl. 10
Eccl. 11 Eccl. 12                

Song of Songs Audio:
 Zip file of the Whole book of Song of Songs 1-8

S of S. 1 S of S. 2 S of S. 3 S of S. 4 S of S. 5 S of S. 6 S of S. 7 S of S. 8  

Isaiah Audio:   Zip file of Isaiah 1-66

Isa. 1 Isa. 2 Isa. 3 Isa. 4 Isa. 5 Isa. 6 Isa. 7 Isa. 8 Isa. 9 Isa. 10
Isa. 11 Isa. 12 Isa. 13 Isa. 14 Isa. 15 Isa. 16 Isa. 17 Isa. 18 Isa. 19 Isa. 20
Isa. 21 Isa. 22 Isa. 23 Isa. 24 Isa. 25 Isa. 26 Isa. 27 Isa. 28 Isa. 29 Isa. 30
Isa. 31 Isa. 32 Isa. 33 Isa. 34 Isa. 35 Isa. 36 Isa. 37 Isa. 38 Isa. 39 Isa. 40
Isa. 41 Isa. 42 Isa. 43 Isa. 44 Isa. 45 Isa. 46 Isa. 47 Isa. 48 Isa. 49 Isa. 50
Isa. 51 Isa. 52 Isa. 53 Isa. 54 Isa. 55 Isa. 56 Isa. 57 Isa. 58 Isa. 59 Isa. 60
Isa. 61 Isa. 62 Isa. 63 Isa. 64 Isa. 65 Isa. 66        

Jeremiah Audio:   Zip file of Jeremiah 1-52

Jer. 1 Jer. 2 Jer. 3 Jer. 4 Jer. 5 Jer. 6 Jer. 7 Jer. 8 Jer. 9 Jer. 10
Jer. 11 Jer. 12 Jer. 13 Jer. 14 Jer. 15 Jer. 16 Jer. 17 Jer. 18 Jer. 19 Jer. 20
Jer. 21 Jer. 22 Jer. 23 Jer. 24 Jer. 25 Jer. 26 Jer. 27 Jer. 28 Jer. 29 Jer. 30
Jer. 31 Jer. 32 Jer. 33 Jer. 34 Jer. 35 Jer. 36 Jer. 37 Jer. 38 Jer. 39 Jer. 40
Jer. 41 Jer. 42 Jer. 43 Jer. 44 Jer. 45 Jer. 46 Jer. 47 Jer. 48 Jer. 49 Jer. 50
Jer. 51 Jer. 52                

Lamentations Audio:   Zip file of Lamentations 1-5

Lam. 1 Lam. 2 Lam. 3 Lam. 4 Lam. 5          

Ezekiel Audio:  Zip file of Ezekiel 1-48

Ezek. 1 Ezek. 2 Ezek. 3 |Ezek. 4 |Ezek. 5 |Ezek. 6 |Ezek. 7 |Ezek. 8 |Ezek. 9 |Ezek. 10
|Ezek. 11 |Ezek. 12 |Ezek. 13 |Ezek. 14 |Ezek. 15 |Ezek. 16 |Ezek. 17 |Ezek. 18 |Ezek. 19 |Ezek. 20
|Ezek. 21 |Ezek. 22 |Ezek. 23 |Ezek. 24 |Ezek. 25 |Ezek. 26 |Ezek. 27 |Ezek. 28 |Ezek. 29 |Ezek. 30
|Ezek. 31 |Ezek. 32 |Ezek. 33 |Ezek. 34 |Ezek. 35 |Ezek. 36 |Ezek. 37 |Ezek. 38 |Ezek. 39 |Ezek. 40
|Ezek. 41 |Ezek. 42 |Ezek. 43 |Ezek. 44 |Ezek. 45 |Ezek. 46 |Ezek. 47 |Ezek. 48    

Daniel Audio:   Zip file of Daniel 1-12

Dan. 1 Dan. 2 Dan. 3 Dan. 4 Dan. 5 Dan. 6 Dan. 7 Dan. 8 Dan. 9 Dan. 10
Dan. 11 Dan. 12                

Hosea Audio:   Zip file of Hosea 1-14

Hos. 1 Hos. 2 Hos. 3 Hos. 4 Hos. 5 Hos. 6 Hos. 7 Hos. 8 Hos. 9 Hos. 10
Hos. 11 Hos. 12 Hos. 13 Hos. 14            

Joel Audio:   Zip file of Joel 1-3

Joel 1 Joel 2 Joel 3              

Amos Audio:  Zip file of Amos 1-9

Am. 1 Am. 2 Am. 3 Am. 4 Am. 5 Am. 6 Am. 7 Am. 8 Am. 9  

Obadiah Audio:   Whole file of Obadiah

Obadiah 1                  

Jonah Audio:   Zip file of Jonah 1-4

Jon. 1 Jon. 2 Jon. 3 Jon. 4            

Micah Audio:   Zip file of Micah 1-7

Mic. 1 Mic. 2 Mic. 3 Mic. 4 Mic. 5 Mic. 6 Mic. 7      

Nahum Audio:   Zip file of Nahum 1-3

Nah. 1 Nah. 2 Nah. 3              

Habakkuk Audio:   Zip file of Habukkuk 1-3

Hab. 1 Hab. 2 Hab. 3              

Zephaniah Audio:   Zip file of Zephaniah 1-3

Zeph. 1 Zeph. 2 Zeph. 3              

Haggai Audio:   Zip file of Haggai 1-2

Hag. 1 Hag. 2                

Zechariah Audio:   Zip file of Zechariah 1-14

Zech. 1 Zech. 2 Zech. 3 Zech. 4 Zech. 5 Zech. 6 Zech. 7 Zech. 8 Zech. 9 Zech. 10
Zech. 11 Zech. 12 Zech. 13 Zech. 14            

Malachi Audio:   Zip file of Malachi 1-4

Mal. 1 Mal. 2 Mal. 3 Mal. 4            


New Testament [jump up to Old Testament]

               Whole DASV New Testament Text

           [Linked: *.docx Word for Word Processing]; [Non-Linked Straight Text *.docx Word]
           [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html linked up web viewing]

New Testament Individual Book Texts

Matthew         [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Mark              [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Luke               [*.docx Word for word processing]; [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
John                [*.doc Word for word processing];  [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Acts                [*.docx Word for word processing];  [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Romans           [*.docx Word for word processing];  [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
1 Corinthians   [*.docx Word for word processing];  [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
2 Corinthians   [*.docx Word for word processing];  [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]

Galatians         [*.docx Word for word processing];  [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Ephesians        [*.docx Word for word processing];  [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]

Philippians       [*.docx Word for word processing];  [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Colossians       [*.docx Word for word processing];  [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
1 Thessalonians  [*.docx Word for word processing];  [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
2 Thessalonians  [*.docx Word for word processing];  [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
1 Timothy        [*.docx Word for word processing];  [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
2 Timothy        [*.docx Word for word processing];  [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Titus                [*.docx Word for word processing];  [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Philemon         [*.docx Word for word processing];  [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Hebrews         [*.docx Word for word processing];  [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
James              [*.docx Word for word processing];  [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
1 Peter            [*.docx Word for word processing];  [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
2 Peter            [*.docx Word for word processing];  [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
1 John             [*.docx Word for word processing];  [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
2 John             [*.docx Word for word processing];  [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
3 John             [*.docx Word for word processing];  [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]
Jude                [*.docx Word for word processing];  [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]

Revelation       [*.docx Word for word processing];  [*.pdf Acrobat for printing], [*.html web viewing]

DASV Chapter text + Audio Reading

Matthew 2 Cor. 1 Timothy 2 Peter
Mark Galatians 2 Timothy 1 John
Luke Ephesians Titus 2 John
John Philippians Philemon 3 John
Acts Colossians Hebrews Jude
Romans 1 Thessalonians James Revelation
1 Cor. 2 Thessalonians 1 Peter  

Musical DASV in Song for Scripture Memory
       Matthew5_18_DASV_© 2010 Katie Nellis
       Matthew 6:33 DASV© 2010 Katie Nellis
       Matthew 7:12 DASV© 2010 Katie Nellis
       Matthew16_24_DASV_© 2010 Katie Nellis
       Matthew24_35_DASV_© 2010 Katie Nellis
       John 1:1 DASV© 2010 Katie Nellis
       John 1:12 DASV© 2010 Katie Nellis
       John 3:16 DASV© 2010 Katie Nellis
       John3_36_DASV_© 2010 Katie Nellis
       John4_24_DASV_© 2010 Katie Nellis
       John 14:6 DASV© 2010 Katie Nellis
       Acts1_8_DASV_© 2010 Katie Nellis
       Romans3_23_DASV_© 2010 Katie Nellis
       Romans6_23_DASV_© 2010 Katie Nellis
       Romans8_1_DASV_© 2010 Katie Nellis
       1Corinthians6_12_DASV_© 2010 Katie Nellis
       Galatians3_28_DASV_© 2010 Katie Nellis
       Ephesians2_8_9_DASV_© 2010 Katie Nellis
       Philippians4_6_DASV_© 2010 Katie Nellis
       1John1_9_DASV_© 2010 Katie Nellis
       1John4_10_DASV_© 2010 Katie Nellis

 DASV Download Audio (*.mp3)

Matthew [Whole of Matthew Audio in a Zip File]

Matt.1 Matt. 2 Matt. 3 Matt. 4 Matt. 5 Matt. 6 Matt. 7 Matt. 8 Matt. 9 Matt. 10

Matt. 11

Matt. 12

Matt. 13

Matt. 14

Matt. 15

Matt. 16

Matt. 17

Matt. 18

Matt. 19

Matt. 20
Matt. 21

Matt. 22

Matt. 23 Matt. 24 Matt. 25 Matt. 26 Matt. 27 Matt. 28    

Mark [Whole of Mark Audio in a Zip File]

Mark1 Mark 2 Mark 3 Mark 4 Mark 5 Mark 6 Mark 7 Mark 8 Mark 9 Mark 10

Mark 11

Mark 12

Mark 13

Mark 14

Mark 15

Mark 16





Luke [Whole of Luke Audio in a Zip File]

Luke1 Luke 2 Luke 3 Luke 4 Luke 5 Luke 6 Luke 7 Luke 8 Luke 9 Luke 10

Luke 11

Luke 12

Luke 13

Luke 14

Luke 15

Luke 16

Luke 17

Luke 18

Luke 19

Luke 20
Luke 21

Luke 22

Luke 23 Luke 24            

John [Whole of John Audio in a Zip File]

John 1 John 2 John 3 John 4 John 5 John 6 John 7 John 8 John 9 John 10

John 11

John 12

John 13

John 14

John 15

John 16

John 17

John 18

John 19

John 20
John 21



Acts [Whole of Acts Audio in a Zip File]

Acts 1 Acts 2 Acts 3 Acts 4 Acts 5 Acts 6 Acts 7 Acts 8 Acts 9 Acts 10

Acts 11

Acts 12

Acts 13

Acts 14

Acts 15

Acts 16

Acts 17

Acts 18

Acts 19

Acts 20
Acts 21

Acts 22

Acts 23 Acts 24 Acts 25 Acts 26 Acts 27 Acts 28    

Romans [Whole of Romans Audio in a Zip File]

Rom. 1 Rom. 2 Rom. 3 Rom. 4 Rom. 5 Rom. 6 Rom. 7 Rom. 8 Rom. 9 Rom. 10

Rom. 11

Rom. 12

Rom. 13

Rom. 14

Rom. 15

Rom. 16





1 Corinthians [Whole of 1 Corinthians Audio in a Zip File]

1 Cor.1 1 Cor. 2 1 Cor. 3 1 Cor. 4 1 Cor. 5 1 Cor. 6 1 Cor. 7 1 Cor. 8 1 Cor. 9 1 Cor. 10

1 Cor. 11

1 Cor. 12

1 Cor. 13

1 Cor. 14

1 Cor. 15

1 Cor. 16





2 Corinthians [Whole of 2 Corinthians Audio in a Zip File]

2 Cor.1 2 Cor. 2 2 Cor. 3 2 Cor. 4 2 Cor. 5 2 Cor. 6 2 Cor. 7 2 Cor. 8 2 Cor. 9 2 Cor. 10

2 Cor. 11

2 Cor. 12

2 Cor. 13








Galatians [Whole of Galatians Audio in a Zip File]

Galatians 1 Galatians 2 Galatians 3 Galatians 4 Galatians 5 Galatians 6  

Ephesians [Whole of Ephesians Audio in a Zip File]

Ephesians 1 Ephesians 2 Ephesians 3 Ephesians 4 Ephesians 5 Ephesians 6  

Philippians [Whole of Philippians Audio in a Zip File]

Philippians 1 Philippians 2 Philippians 3 Philippians 4  

Colossians [Whole of Colossians Audio in a Zip File]

Colossians 1 Colossians 2 Colossians 3 Colossians 4  

1 Thessalonians [Whole of 1 Thessalonians Audio in a Zip File]

1 Thessalonians 1 1 Thessalonians 2 1 Thessalonians 3 1 Thessalonians 4 1 Thessalonians 5  

2 Thessalonians [Whole of 2 Thessalonians Audio in a Zip File]

2 Thessalonians 1 2 Thessalonians 2 2 Thessalonians 3  

1 Timothy [Whole of 1 Timothy Audio in a Zip File]

1 Timothy 1 1 Timothy 2 1 Timothy 3 1 Timothy 4 1 Timothy 5 1 Timothy 6  

2 Timothy [Whole of 2 Timothy Audio in a Zip File]

2 Timothy 1 2 Timothy 2 2 Timothy 3 2 Timothy 4  

Titus [Whole of Titus Audio in a Zip File]

Titus 1 Titus 2 Titus 3  

Philemon [Whole of Philemon Audio in a Zip File]


Hebrews [Whole of Hebrews Audio in a Zip File]

Heb. 1 Heb. 2 Heb. 3 Heb. 4 Heb. 5 Heb. 6 Heb. 7 Heb. 8 Heb. 9 Heb. 10

Heb. 11

Heb. 12

Heb. 13








James [Whole of James Audio in a Zip File]

James 1 James 2 James 3 James 4 James 5  

1 Peter [Whole of 1 Peter Audio in a Zip File]

1 Peter 1 1 Peter 2 1 Peter 3 1 Peter 4 1 Peter 5  

2 Peter [Whole of 2 Peter Audio in a Zip File]

2 Peter 1 2 Peter 2 2 Peter 3  

1 John [Whole of 1 John Audio in a Zip File]

1 John 1 1 John 2 1 John 3 1 John 4 1 John 5  

2 John - Jude

2 John 3 John Jude  

Revelation [Whole of Revelation Audio in a Zip File]

Rev. 1 Rev. 2 Rev. 3 Rev. 4 Rev. 5 Rev. 6 Rev. 7 Rev. 8 Rev. 9 Rev. 10
Rev. 11 Rev. 12 Rev. 13 Rev. 14 Rev. 15 Rev. 16 Rev. 17 Rev. 18 Rev. 19 Rev. 20
Rev. 21 Rev. 22                

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