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          DASV: 2 Corinthians 9    

1 I do not need to write to you about the ministry to the saints,
2 for I know about your readiness, which I boast about you to
those in Macedonia, saying that Achaia has been prepared since
last year; and your zeal has stirred up many of them.
3 But I have sent the brothers, that our boasting on your
behalf may not prove empty in this case; so that you may be
prepared just as I said you would be.
4 Otherwise if any of those from Macedonia who come with me
find you unprepared, we (to say nothing about you) would be
put to shame by this confidence.
5 Therefore I thought it necessary to urge the brothers, that
they would go ahead to you, and arrange ahead of time for
the generous gift you have promised, so that it might
be ready as a generous gift and not a grudging obligation.
6 This is my point: The one who sows sparingly will also
reap sparingly; and the one who sows generously will also
reap generously.
7 Each person should give as he has decided in his heart,
not grudgingly, or under compulsion, for God loves a
cheerful giver.
8 And God is able to provide all grace abundantly to you;
so that you, always having everything you need, may
abound in every good work.
9 As it is written,
      "He has scattered abroad,
            he has given to the poor;
                  his righteousness endures forever."
10 Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for
food, will supply and multiply your seed for sowing,
and increase the harvest of your righteousness.
11 You are being enriched in everything to be generous in
every way, which will produce thanksgiving to God
through us.
12 For the service of this ministry not only provides
for the needs of the saints but also overflows with
many thanks to God.
13 Through the evidence of this service you glorify God
because of your obedience to your confession of the
gospel of Christ and by the generosity of your sharing
with them and with everyone.
14 And in their prayers for you they themselves also
long after you because of the outstanding grace of God
in you.
15 Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift.

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