Malachi Multiple Choice Questions [NIV based]

                         B=Beginning, I=Intermediate; A= Advanced
                                         By Ted Hildebrandt


Malachi 1 Multiple Choice Questions

1.  The book of Malachi is labeled as a(n) _______ (Mal 1:1)?

            A.        A prophecy

            B.        A vision

            C.        A sermon

            D.        An oracle


2. To whom is the book of Malachi addressed (Mal 1:1)?

            A.        Judah

            B.        The exiles

            C.        Israel

            D.        The remnant


3. What does Israel ask the Lord (Mal 1:2)?

            A.        Is this what you call love?

            B.        How have you loved us?

            C.        Why have you loved us?

            D.        Have you really loved us?


4. What is the first thing the Lord says to Israel in the book of Malachi (Mal 1:2)?

            A.        I have loved you

            B.        I have given you my covenant

            C.        I will redeem you

            D.        I have forgiven you


5. Who was Jacob’s brother (Mal 1:2)?

            A.        Isaac

            B.        Lot

            C.        Ishmael

            D.        Jacob


6. Who did the Lord say he hated (Mal 1:3)?

            A.        Isaac

            B.        Lot

            C.        Esau

            D.        Ishmael


7. What did the Lord do to Esau (Mal 1:3)?

            A.        Let his holy places desolate and his altars in ruins

            B.        Left his inheritance to the desert jackals

            C.        Burned his cities down

            D.        Left his land as a pile of ruins


8. What did the Lord do to Esau (Mal 1:3)?

            A.        Turned his mountains into a wasteland

            B.        Let his holy places desolate and his altars in ruins

            C.        Burned his cities down

            D.        Left his land as a pile of ruins


9. What may Edom say (Mal 1:4)?

            A.        We will not serve the Lord

            B.        We will rebuild the ruins

            C.        We will plant our vineyards

            D.        We will attack our brother Jacob


10. What land will be called a Wicked Land (Mal 1:4)?

            A.        Ammon

            B.        Moab

            C.        Edom

            D.        Aram


11. While Edom says they will rebuild, what does the Lord say (Mal 1:4)?

            A.        I will bless

            B.        I will uproot

            C.        I will burn down

            D.        I will demolish


12. What will Israel say when they see the Lord’s wrath on Edom (Mal 1:5)?

            A.        Great is the Lord

            B.        Praise the Lord

            C.        His love endures forever

            D.        Fear the Lord, O peoples


13. Where will they say the “Great is the Lord” (Mal 1:5)?

            A.        In all the earth

            B.        Beyond the borders of Israel

            C.        Even to the Nile River

            D.        Under the heavens


14. Who does the Lord say normally receives honor (Mal 1:6)?

            A.        A king and a priest

            B.        A priest and a governor

            C.        A master and a father

            D.        A mother and a father


15. Who does the Lord single out as showing contempt for his name (Mal 1:6)?

            A.        The elders

            B.        The kings

            C.        The prophets

            D.        The priests


16.  What have the priests done that shows contempt for the Lord (Mal 1:7)?

            A.        By placing defiled food on his altar

            B.        By drinking wine in the holy place

            C.        By oppressing the poor

            D.        By rejecting those who repent


17. What were the priests doing that the Lord points out as being wrong (Mal 1:8)?

            A.        By burning defiled incense on the altar

            B.        By offering blind and crippled animals as sacrifices

            C.        By not teaching the people the word of the Lord

            D.        By being drunk in the holy place


18. Who did the Lord say would not accept their blind and crippled animals which they were offering up to the Lord (Mal 1:8)?

            A.        Their children

            B.        The elders of their cities

            C.        Their governor

            D.        Darius the great king


19. What did they believe their offerings would result in (Mal 1:9)?

            A.        Appease God’s anger

            B.        For God to redeem them from their sins

            C.        To bring the early rains

            D.        For God to be gracious to them


20. What did the Lord wish someone would do (Mal 1:10)?

            A         Shut the temple doors

            B.        Show mercy and justice in the land

            C.        Lock the city gates

            D.        Burn the entire city down


21. What did the Lord say he would not accept (Mal 1:10)?

            A.        Their prayers

            B.        Their offerings

            C.        Their incense

            D.        Their grain and wine


22. What does the Lord say will be great among the nations (Mal 1:11)?

            A.        The temple of the Lord

            B.        Faithfulness

            C.        His name

            D.        His glory


23. Where does the Lord say his name will be great (Mal 1:11)?

            A.        Among the elders of Israel

            B.        Among the priests that minister in his house

            C.        Among the children of Abraham

            D.        Among the nations


24. What will be brought from every place to his name (Mal 1:11)?

            A.        Incense and pure offerings

            B.        Wine and oil

            C.        Grain and fellowship offerings

            D.        Gold and silver


25. What do they incorrectly claim is defiled (Mal 1:12)?

            A.        The Lord’s altar

            B.        The Lord’s table

            C.        The Lord’s house

            D.        The Lord’s law


26. What do they incorrectly claim is contemptible (Mal 1:12)?

            A.        The altar

            B.        The sacrifices of the Most High

            C.        The food set on the Lord’s table

            D.        The blood placed in the holy place


27. What do they say of the food of the Lord’s table (Mal 1:13)?

            A.        It is polluted

            B.        This food is terrible

            C.        It is inedible

            D.        What a burden


28. What kind of animals were these vowing cheaters sacrificing (Mal 1:14)?

            A.        A speckled animal

            B.        Only part of the animal

            C.        A blemished animal

            D.        Useless grain


29. What title does the Lord say he is (Mal 1:14)?

            A.        A great high priest

            B.        A great king

            C.        A mighty warrior

            D.        The Lord of Hosts


30. What is the proper response God calls for his name as the great king (Mal 1:14)?

            A.        He is to be feared

            B.        He is to be honored

            C.        He is to be worshipped

            D.        He is to be served


31. Who is cursed (Mal 1:14)?

            A.        The one who has no fear of the great king yet claims to serve the Lord

            B.        The one who vows to give a good animal but offers a blemished one instead

            C.        The one who withholds his tithes and offerings yet claims he has given them

            D.        The one who enters the holy place why being drunk


Malachi 2

1.  Who does the Lord admonish with the promise of a curse (Mal 2:1)?

            A.        The king

            B.        The false prophets

            C.        The foreigners

            D.        The priests


2. What requirement was put on the priests in order for them not to incur a curse (Mal 2:2)?

            A.        They needed to set their heart to honor God’s name

            B.        They needed to be careful to not defile God’s holy place

            C.        They needed to offer sacrifices of praise to the Lord

            D.        They needed to stop taking advantage of the widows and fatherless


3. What, in particular, did God say he would curse of the priests (Mal 2:2)?

            A.        Their homes

            B.        Their blessings

            C.        Their land

            D.        Their sacrifices


4. What does God say he will do to the priests who have not set their heart to honor God (Mal 2:3)?

            A.        He will not receive their offerings and sacrifices

            B.        He will stop the spring rains and cause a drought in their land

            C.        He will spread the excrement from their sacrifices on their faces

            D.        He will cause them to die by the sword and their children carried into exile


5. Why will God cover the priests’ faces with excrement and carry them off (Mal 2:4)?

            A.        So that they will never again defile his name

            B.        So that they may teach the people the way of the Lord by their example

            C.        So that they will never again offer sacrifices to the Lord

            D.        So that his covenant with Levi may continue


6. What was God’s covenant with Levi (Mal 2:5)?

            A.        Covenant of life and peace

            B.        Covenant of sacrifices and offerings

            C.        Covenant of holiness unto the Lord

            D.        Covenant of redemption and forgiveness


7. What did God’s covenant with Levi call for (Mal 2:5)?

            A.        Holiness

            B.        Reverence

            C.        Righteousness

            D.        Forgiveness


8. What was originally found in the mouth of the Levites (Mal 2:6)?

            A.        The law of the Lord

            B.        Words of wisdom

            C.        True instruction

            D.        Sacred bread


9. The Levites originally did all of the following EXCEPT (Mal 2:6)

            A.        Walked with God in peace

            B.        Walked with God in uprightness

            C.        Turned many from sin

            D.        Were holy unto the Lord

            E.         True instruction was found in his mouth


10. What ought the lips of a priest to do (Mal 2:7)?

            A.        Preserve knowledge

            B.        Teach wisdom

            C.        Kiss that which is holy to the Lord

            D.        Pronounce pardon


11. What should people seek from the mouth of priests (Mal 2:7)?

            A.        The law

            B.        Instruction

            C.        Righteousness

            D.        Justice


12. Who is called the messenger of the Lord Almighty (Mal 2:7)?

            A.        The prophets

            B.        Malachi

            C.        The priests

            D.        The king


13. What have the teaching of priests actually resulted in (Mal 2:8)?

            A.        Many to leave the straight paths

            B.        Many to defile the holy place

            C.        Many to fast and pray

            D.        Many to stumble


14. What have the priests violated (Mal 2:8)?

            A.        The Sinai Covenant

            B.        The holiness of the Almighty

            C.        The covenant with Levi

            D.        The law of the Lord


15. What has the Lord caused the priests to be (Mal 2:9)?

            A.        Vagabonds and pilgrims in a foreign land

            B.        Despised and humiliated

            C.        Defiled and unholy

            D.        Impoverished in the land


16. What have the priests done in matters of the law (Mal 2:9)?

            A.        Shown partiality

            B.        Violated it

            C.        Cast it aside

            D.        Despised it


17. Malachi claims they all had one ______ (Mal 2:10)?

            A.        Lord

            B.        Father

            C.        King

            D.        Master


18. How has Judah broken faith (Mal 2:11)?

            A.        By offering unacceptable sacrifices

            B.        By oppressing the fatherless and widows

            C.        By marrying the daughter of a foreign god

            D.        By bringing idols into the holy place


19. What does Malachi wish for the man who marries the daughter of a foreign god (Mal 2:12)?

            A.        The Lord would send him into exile

            B.        His land would produce thorns and thistles

            C.        The Lord would cut him off from the tents of Jacob

            D.        The Lord would cause him to be childless


20. Why do they weep and wail (Mal 2:13)?

            A.        Because there is no rain

            B.        Because God has sent their children into foreign lands

            C.        Because there is no longer any grain in the storerooms

            D.        Because God no longer pays attention to their offerings


21. What do the people do because the Lord no longer accepts their offerings with pleasure (Mal 2:13)?

            A.        They flood the Lord’s altar with tears

            B.        They cut themselves and cry out

            C.        They put on sackcloth and go around in silence

            D.        They making whole burnt offerings


22.  Between whom is the Lord acting as a witness (Mal 2:14)?

            A.        You and your king

            B.        You and your priests

            C.        You and the wife of your youth

            D.        Heaven and earth


23. Why did God make them one in flesh and spirit (Mal 2:15)?

            A.        He wanted harmony

            B.        He wanted godly offspring

            C.        He wanted peace

            D.        He wanted to make good families


24. What does Malachi admonish them to guard themselves from (Mal 2:15)?

            A.        Turning away from the Lord to other gods

            B.        Sinning against their neighbors

            C.        Coveting their neighbors goods and family

            D.        Breaking faith with the wife of their youth


25. What does the Lord God say he hates (Mal 2:16)?

            A.        Divorce

            B.        Deceit

            C.        Wickedness

            D.        The workers of iniquity


26. The Lord said he hates a man doing what with violence (Mal 2:16)?

            A.        Oppressing the fatherless and the widow like a lion devouring a sheep

            B.        Covering himself with violence as with his garment

            C.        Pursuing violence with all his might

            D.        Seeking violence as one would seek bread and wine


27. With what had the people wearied the Lord (Mal 2:17)?

            A.        With their sacrifices

            B.        With their offerings

            C.        With their words

            D.        With their fasting


28. How have the people wearied God with their words (Mal 2:17)?

            A.        By saying the Lord does not know what they are doing

            B.        By saying they had offered sacrifices so their sins were covered

            C.        By saying God will forgive us this day

            D.        By saying all who do evil are good in the eyes of the Lord


29.  What words wearied the Lord (Mal 2:17)?

            A.        Where is the God of justice?

            B.        How long, O Lord, until you save?

            C.        What have we done that you abandoned us?

            D.        Will you not care for your inheritance?


Malachi 3

1.  Who will prepare the way before the Lord (Mal 3:1)?

            A.        His servant

            B.        His messenger

            C.        His shepherd

            D.        His priest


2. Where will the Lord come suddenly (Mal 3:1)?

            A.        Into his temple

            B.        Among his people

            C.        To Zion

            D.        To his mountain


3. Who were they desiring to come who will come (Mal 3:1)?

            A.        The servant of the Lord

            B.        The anointed one

            C.        The messenger of the covenant

            D.        The son of David


4. What will the messenger of the covenant be like when he comes (Mal 3:2)?

            A.        A lion amidst a flock of sheep

            B.        A unassailable fortress

            C.        An ambassador

            D.        A refiner’s fire


5. Who will the messenger of the covenant refine like silver (Mal 3:3)?

            A.        The Levites

            B.        The prophets

            C.        Israel’s kings

            D.        The whole assembly


6. What will the Levites do after the Lord has purified them (Mal 3:3)?

            A.        Pay their tithes and offerings

            B.        Bring offerings in righteousness

            C.        Care for the sick and needy

            D.        Observe his Sabbath’s in holiness


7. Whose offerings will be acceptable to the Lord as in days gone by (Mal 3:4)?

            A.        The offerings of Ephraim and Gilead

            B.        The offerings of Samaria and Shechem

            C.        The offerings of Judah and Jerusalem

            D.        The offerings of all people


8. The Lord says he will testify against all of the following reasons EXCEPT (Mal 3:5)

            A.        Sorcerers

            B.        Adulterers

            C.        Perjurers

            D.        Idolaters

            E.         Who oppress the widows


9. The Lord says he will testify against all of the following reasons EXCEPT (Mal 3:5)

            A.        Depriving aliens of justice

            B.        Defrauding laborers of their wages

            C.        Priests that defile his altar

            D.        Perjurers

            E.         Who oppress the fatherless


10. The Lord says he will come in judgment against those who do not _____ (Mal 3:5)

            A.        Fear him

            B.        Obey him

            C.        Trust him

            D.        Seek him


11. On what basis does the Lord say the descendants of Jacob are not destroyed (Mal 3:6)?

            A.        The Lord is holy

            B.        The Lord does not change

            C.        The Lord is righteous

            D.        The Lord is full of compassion


12. What did the Lord say their forefathers did (Mal 3:7)?

            A.        Complained in the wilderness

            B.        Went after other gods

            C.        Turned away from his decrees

            D.        Defiled his altar


13. What does the Lord call on them to do even though their fathers had not kept his decrees (Mal 3:7)?

            A.        Be holy even as he is holy

            B.        Confess their sins

            C.        Put away their foreign idols

            D.        Return to him


14. In returning to the Lord what accusation does the Lord make against them (Mal 3:8)?

            A.        You have robbed me

            B.        You have offered defiled sacrifices

            C.        You have worshipped other gods

            D.        You have built idols of silver


15. How had they robbed God (Mal 3:8)?

            A.        In not providing food for the priests

            B.        In their tithes and offerings

            C.        In not following the ways of the Lord

            D.        In withholding justice from the poor


16. Where were they to bring their whole tithe (Mal 3:10)?

            A.        Into the temple

            B.        Into the gates of Jerusalem

            C.        Into the storehouse

            D.        Into the Levitical cities


17. Why did God want them to bring their tithes into the storehouse (Mal 3:10)?

            A.        That the priests would have food for their families

            B.        That all Israel may rejoice

            C.        That there may be plenty for Passover

            D.        That there may be food in his house


18. What did God promise to do if they brought in their whole tithe into the storehouse (Mal 3:10)?

            A.        He would open the floodgates of heaven and pour out blessing

            B.        He would give them ten times what they brought in

            C.        He would make blessings flow over them like a mighty river

            D.        He would give them gold for their silver and bread for their wheat


19. What did God say he would do if they brought in their whole tithe into the storehouse (Mal 3:11)?

            A.        He would give them ten times what they brought in

            B.        He would  prevent pests from devouring their crops

            C.        He would make blessings flow over them like a mighty river

            D.        He would give them gold for their silver and bread for their wheat


20. What did God say he would do if they brought in their whole tithe into the storehouse (Mal 3:11)?

            A.        He would give them ten times what they brought in

            B.        He would make blessings flow over them like a mighty river

            C.        He would make the vines in their fields not cast their fruit 

            D.        He would give them gold for their silver and bread for their wheat


21. What will all nations call them because the land will be delightful (Mal 3:12)?

            A.        The garden of God

            B.        The dwelling of the Lord

            C.        Fertile

            D.        Blessed


22. Why will all nations call them blessed (Mal 3:12)?

            A.        Because their land would be delightful

            B.        Because their fields will yield its fruit

            C.        Because peace will be within their borders

            D.        Because their kings will be righteous


23. What harsh thing had they said against the Lord (Mal 3:14)?

            A.        The wicked are blessed 

            B.        It is futile to serve God

            C.        Other gods reward more than the Lord

            D.        The Lord’s ways are hard


24. Who were they calling blessed that was against the Lord (Mal 3:15)?

            A.        The wicked

            B.        The defiled

            C.        The arrogant

            D.        The rebellious


25. Who did they claim escaped that said things against God (Mal 3:15)?

            A.        The wicked who opposed God

            B.        Those who turned away from God

            C.        Those who robbed God

            D.        Those who challenged God


26. What did they say that was against God (Mal 3:15)?

            A.        The evildoers prosper

            B.        God does not care

            C.        Serving God has led to a curse

            D.        God will never restore us again


27.  Who did the Lord listen to and hear (Mal 3:16)?

            A.        Those who are righteous

            B.        Those who feared the Lord

            C.        Those who are upright

            D.        Those who are not defiled


28. Who was a scroll of remembrance written for (Mal 3:16)?

            A.        Those who are righteous and upright

            B.        Those who are just and fair

            C.        Those who feared the Lord and honor his name

            D.        Those who delight in the Lord and keep his decrees


29. What was done for those who feared the Lord and honored his name (Mal 3:16)?

            A.        They were given a new name in heaven

            B.        They were welcomed into the Lord’s presence with joy

            C.        A pile of stones was set up as a memorial for them

            D.        A scroll of remembrance was written in God’s presence


30. What will God do for those who fear him in the day when he makes up his treasured possession (Mal 3:17)?

            A.        He will reward them with justice

            B.        He will spare them in compassion

            C.        He will forgive them in mercy

            D.        He will lead them into his holy house


31. The Lord said he would have compassion just like ______ (Mal 3:17)?

            A.        A father has compassion and spares the son who serves him

            B.        He had compassion on Israel when he brought them out of Egypt

            C.        A mother has compassion on the child she has given birth to

            D.        A brother has compassion on his sister whom he protects


32. In that day what distinction does Malachi say one will see (Mal 3:18)?

            A.        Between the just and unjust

            B.        Between the wise and the foolish

            C.        Between the righteous and the wicked

            D.        Between those who are faithful and those who are unfaithful


Malachi 4

1.  How is the coming day described (Mal 4:1)?

            A.        Like a bolt of lightning

            B.        Like a hail storm

            C.        Like a locust plague

            D.        Like a burning furnace


2. Who will be set on fire like stubble on that day (Mal 4:1)?

            A.        The wicked

            B.        The arrogant

            C.        The rebellious

            D.        The foolish


3. What will happen for those who revere God’s name (Mal 4:2)?

            A.        The sun of righteous will rise with healing in its wings

            B.        The cloud of glory will abide over them forever

            C.        The blessings of the covenant will descend on them like dew

            D.        All people will seek them to learn about the ways of the Lord


4. How are those who revere God’s name described on that day (Mal 4:2)?

            A.        They will be like an olive tree producing rivers of oil

            B.        They rejoice as in the day when they came out of Egypt

            C.        They will go out leaping like calves released from the stall

            D.        They will fly away like a dove finding peace and rest


5. What will happen to the wicked on that day (Mal 4:3)?

            A.        They will flee away

            B.        They will serve those who had feared the Lord

            C.        They will be led away into eternal fire

            D.        They will be trampled on as ashes under foot


6. Where did the Lord give Moses the law (Mal 4:4)?

            A.        At Horeb

            B.        At Kadesh Barnea

            C.        In the wilderness

            D.        When they came out of Egypt


7. What does Lord tell them to remember (Mal 4:4)?

            A.        Every word of the Lord

            B.        The law of his servant Moses

            C.        The decrees and statutes of the Lord

            D.        The way of the Lord


8. Who will God send before the great and dreadful day of the Lord (Mal 4:5)?

            A.        The Anointed One

            B.        The Son of David

            C.        Elijah

            D.        His witness


9. What will the coming Elijah do (Mal 4:6)?

            A.        Do mighty signs and wonders in the earth

            B.        Proclaim the message of the Lord

            C.        Call down rain from heaven and win favor with God and people

            D.        Turn the hearts of the father to their children


10. If Elijah’s message is not successful in turning the hearts of the fathers to their children, what will God do (Mal 4:6)?

            A.        He will strike the land with a curse

            B.        He will withhold the early and the latter rains

            C.        He will send an army of locusts

            D.        He will withdraw his presence from the holy city
