Habakkuk Multiple Choice Questions [NIV based]

                       B=Beginning, I=Intermediate; A= Advanced
                                            By Ted Hildebrandt
                                     biblicalelearning.org (BeL)


Habakkuk 1 Multiple Choice Questions

1.  What did Habakkuk receive (Hab 1:1)?

            A.        A prophecy

            B.        A vision

            C.        An oracle

            D.        A message


2. What does Habakkuk say was God’s response to his call for help (Hab 1:2)?

            A.        He heard his cry

            B.        He did not listen

            C.        He answered his prayer

            D.        He ignored his plea


3. What did Habakkuk cry out to God (Hab 1:2)?

            A.        Help

            B.        Save

            C.        Why

            D.        Violence


4. What was God’s response when Habakkuk cried out “Violence” (Hab 1:2)?

            A.        He did not save

            B.        He did not listen

            C.        He ignored it

            D.        He answered his prayer


5. What did Habakkuk complain that God made him look at (Hab 1:3)?

            A.        Violence

            B.        Injustice

            C.        Wickedness

            D.        Uncleanness


6. What did Habakkuk complain that God had tolerated (Hab 1:3)?

            A.        Unrighteousness

            B.        Folly

            C.        Wrong

            D.        Violence


7. Habakkuk complained all of the following were before him or abounded EXCEPT (Hab 1:3)

            A.        Destruction

            B.        Violence

            C.        Strife

            D.        Wickedness

            E.         Conflict


8. What does Habakkuk complain is paralyzed (Hab 1:4)?

            A.        The law

            B.        The hand of the Lord

            C.        Righteousness

            D.        Forgiveness


9. What does Habakkuk complain never prevails (Hab 1:4)?

            A.        Righteousness

            B.        Justice

            C.        Wisdom

            D.        Forgiveness


10. What do the wicked do to the righteous (Hab 1:4)?

            A.        They destroy them

            B.        They mock them

            C.        They hem them in

            D.        They taunt them


11. What does Habakkuk complain has happened to justice (Hab 1:4)?

            A.        It is silent

            B.        It is nowhere to be found

            C.        It hides

            D.        It is perverted


12. What did God tell Habakkuk to look at and be amazed (Hab 1:5)?

            A.        The heavens

            B.        The mountains

            C.        The nations

            D.        The walls of Jerusalem


13. What did God say he would do (Hab 1:5)?

            A.        Something never been done before

            B.        Something he would not believe

            C.        Something that was beyond understanding

            D.        Something unpredictable


14. Who did God say he was going to raise up (Hab 1:6)?

            A.        The Babylonians

            B.        The Assyrians

            C.        The Persians

            D.        The Egyptians


15. What do the Babylonians seize (Hab 1:6)?

            A.        Plunder

            B.        Dwelling places not their own

            C.        Fortresses beyond their borders

            D.        Slaves from all the world


16. God characterizes the Babylonians he is raising up in all of the following ways EXCEPT (Hab 1:6)

            A.        Ruthless and impetuous

            B.        Feared and dreaded

            C.        Brutal and violent

            D.        A law to themselves


17. What are the Babylonian’s horses are faster than (Hab 1:7)?

            A.        The wind

            B.        Lightning

            C.        An eagle

            D.        Leopards


18. What are the Babylonians fiercer than (Hab 1:8)?

            A.        Lions on the prowl

            B.        Snake on a rock

            C.        Wolves at dusk

            D.        A bear protecting its cubs


19. To what is the Babylonian cavalry likened (Hab 1:8)?

            A.        Locusts devouring everything in their path

            B.        Flying like a vulture swooping to devour

            C.        Running like a lion catching a deer

            D.        Fast as a desert storm


20. How do their hordes advance (Hab 1:9)?

            A.        Like a desert wind

            B.        Like locusts blown in from the desert

            C.        Like a storm off the ocean

            D.        Like an unstoppable wave


21. Whom do the Babylonians deride (Hab 1:10)?

            A.        Other nations

            B.        Kings

            C.        Foreign gods

            D.        The captives


22. How do the Babylonians capture cities (Hab 1:10)?

            A.        They lay siege to them

            B.        They burn down their gates

            C.        They build earthen ramps

            D.        They shoot fiery arrows into the city


23. How do the Babylonians gather prisoners (Hab 1:9)?

            A.        Like wheat for sifting

            B.        Like harvesting grapes

            C.        Like the stars of the heavens

            D.        Like sand


24. What is the god of the Babylonians (Hab 1:11)?

            A.        Their greed

            B.        Marduk

            C.        Their own strength

            D.        Their chariots


25. Habakkuk calls “My God” his ___________ (Hab 1:12)

            A.        My King

            B.        My Holy One

            C.        My Father

            D.        My Master


26. Habakkuk calls “My God”  ___________ (Hab 1:12)

            A.        My Shepherd

            B.        The Ancient of Days

            C.        Rock

            D.        Master


27. What does Habakkuk say God’s relationship with evil cannot be (Hab 1:13)?

            A.        His hands will surely not allow it

            B.        His ears cannot hear of it

            C.        His heart is too righteous to tolerate it

            D.        His eyes are too pure to look upon it


28. Habakkuk saying God cannot tolerate wrong asks him how he can tolerate _____ (Hab 1:13)

            A.        Injustice

            B.        The Unrighteous

            C.        The treacherous

            D.        The wicked


29. What happens when God is silent (Hab 1:13)?

            A.        The strong take advantage of the weak

            B.        The wicked swallow up the more righteous than themselves

            C.        The violent abuse their victims

            D.        The treacherous ensnare the unsuspecting


30. Like what does Habakkuk say God has made humans (Hab 1:14)?

            A.        Like fish in the sea that have no ruler

            B.        Like sheep to the slaughter

            C.        Like ants which work for so little

            D.        Like vultures devouring anything that is dying


31. Who have no ruler over them (Hab 1:14)?

            A.        Ants

            B.        Sea creatures

            C.        Lions

            D.        Birds


32. The wicked catches others up with all of the following methods EXCEPT (Hab 1:15)

            A.        Hooks

            B.         Nets

            C.         Spears

            D.        Drag nets


33. To what do the wicked burn incense (Hab 1:16)?

            A.        The work of his hands

            B.         His idols of gold

            C.         His might

            D.        His dragnet


34. By what does the wicked’s net provide (Hab 1:16)?

            A.        Luxury

            B.         Plunder

            C.         Slaves

            D.        Captives


35.  Habakkuk asks God if the wicked are to keep on emptying there nets resulting in what (Hab 1:17)?

            A.        No fish left in the sea

            B.         Destroying nations without mercy

            C.         Exiling the people of Israel

            D.        Plunder piled over top of their walls



Habakkuk 2

1.  Where does Habakkuk say he will station himself to see how God will answer him (Hab 2:1)?

            A.        On the city walls

            B.         At the city gate

            C.         On the ramparts

            D.        On the mountain top


2. What was Habakkuk asked to do with God’s revelation (Hab 2:2)?

            A.        Eat the message

            B.         Rehearse it in the ears of the people

            C.         Carve it into stone

            D.        Write it down


3. Why did Habakkuk stand at his watch (Hab 2:1)?

            A.        To see what God would say to him

            B.         To express his complaint

            C.         To see the Babylonians coming

            D.        To guard his people as a watchman


4. Why was Habakkuk to write the revelation on tablets (Hab 2:2)?

            A.        So that all could read it

            B.         So that a herald may run with it

            C.         So that those at the temple may read it

            D.        So that it may be placed in the ark of the covenant


5. What does the revelation wait for (Hab 2:3)?

            A.        The coming of the Lord

            B.         The coming of the Babylonians

            C.         An appointed time

            D.        That day


6. While the revelation may linger what is Habakkuk to do (Hab 2:3)?

            A.        Proclaim it

            B.         Read it to the king

            C.         Preach it in the city gate

            D.        Wait for it


7. How will the righteous live (Hab 2:4)?

            A.        By faith

            B.         By hope

            C.         By the word of the Lord

            D.        By grace


8. What betrays him (Babylonians) (Hab 2:5)?

            A.        His friend

            B.         Wine

            C.         His strength

            D.        His enemies


9. How is his [Babylon’s] greed described (Hab 2:5)?

            A.        As a vulture

            B.         As a lion

            C.         As the grave

            D.        As the desert


10.What is never satisfied (Hab 2:5)?

            A.        The desert

            B.         A lion

            C.         The land

            D.        Death


11.  What does he [Babylon] do to all people (Hab 2:5)?

            A.        Takes them captive

            B.         Enslaves them

            C.         Destroys them

            D.        Sheds their blood


12. What does he [Babylon] gather to himself (Hab 2:5)?

            A.        Silver and gold

            B.         All the nations

            C.         Foreign plunder

            D.        Idols of each city


13. How does he [Babylon] make himself wealthy (Hab 2:6)?

            A.        By violence

            B.         By stealing

            C.         By extortion

            D.        By treachery


14. How will people react to him [Babylon] (Hab 2:6)?

            A.        They will weep for his fall

            B.         They will flee into caves from him

            C.         They will rejoice over him

            D.        They will taunt him with ridicule


15. Who will make Babylon the victim (Hab 2:7)?

            A.        Their debtors

            B.         Their enemies

            C.         Their own princes

            D.        The Lord


16.Who will plunder Babylon (Hab 2:8)?

            A.        Persia

            B.         The peoples who are left

            C.         Their enemies

            D.        Those they had destroyed


17. Babylon is accused of doing all of the following EXCEPT (Hab 2:8)

            A.        Plundering many nations

            B.         Shedding people’s blood

            C.         Toppling fortresses and towers

            D.        Destroying land and cities


18. Woe is pronounced on the one who builds his realm with ______ (Hab 2:9)

            A.        Violence

            B.         Corruption

            C.         Exploiting the poor

            D.        Unjust gain


19. What will they do to escape the clutches of ruin (Hab 2:9)?

            A.        Set his nest on high

            B.         Fortified his walls

            C.         Reinforced his gates

            D.        Dwelt on a mountain top


20. How have the Babylonians forfeited their life (Hab 2:10)?

            A.        Burning the holy city

            B.         Plotting the ruin of many peoples

            C.         Exiling the son of Israel

            D.        Dominating the fatherless and widows


21. What will cry out against the Babylonians (Hab 2:11)?

            A.        The cedars of Lebanon

            B.         Those they have enslaved

            C.         Stones of the wall

            D.        The children


22. What will echo the stones of the wall crying out (Hab 2:11)?

            A.        The fields surrounding the city

            B.         The mountains

            C.         The trees of the field

            D.        The beams of the woodwork


23. Who receives a “woe” (Hab 2:12)?

            A.        One who builds a city with bloodshed

            B.         One who exiles their neighbors who trusted them

            C.         One who makes an empire of slaves

            D.        One who builds temples to idols


24.  Who receives a “woe” (Hab 2:12)?

            A.        One who exiles their neighbors who trusted them

            B.         One who establishes a town by injustice

            C.         One who makes an empire of slaves

            D.        One who builds temples to idols


25. For what do the nations exhaust themselves (Hab 2:13)?

            A.        Gold and silver

            B.         Plunder

            C.         Nothing

            D.        Violence


26. With what will the earth be filled (Hab 2:14)?

            A.        The light of the Lord

            B.         Violence and oppression at the hands of cruel masters

            C.         The goodness of the Lord in the land of the living

            D.        The knowledge of the glory of the Lord


27. Like what will the knowledge of the glory of the Lord fill the earth (Hab 2:14)?

            A.        As the waters cover the sea

            B.         As the sand on the seashore

            C.         As the stars of the heaven

            D.        As the sun lights up the sky


28. Who receives a “woe” (Nah 2:15)?

            A.        One saying what is wrong is right and what is right is wrong

            B.         One pouring from the wineskin until they are drunk

            C.         Those to swing their swords against those who trusted them

            D.        One prophesying of peace when there is no peace


29. Why does one keep pouring from a wineskin until their companion is drunk (Hab 2:15)?

            A.        So they will not oppose them

            B.         So they can lead them away into exile

            C.         So they can gaze on their naked bodies

            D.        So they can oppress the needy


30. With what will the Babylonians be filled (Hab 2:16)?

            A.        Violence

            B.         Injustice

            C.         Cruelty

            D.        Shame


31. Habakkuk says what turn is it for the Babylonians now (Hab 2:16)?

            A.        To drink and let their nakedness be exposed

            B.         To have their walls destroyed and left as ruins

            C.         To flee from their enemies

            D.        To have their temples destroyed with fire


32. What is coming around to the Babylonians (Hab 2:16)?

            A.        A whirlwind blinding their eyes

            B.         The cup from the Lord’s right hand

            C.         The robe of the Lord’s wrath

            D.         What they had done to others


33. What will overwhelm the Babylonians (Hab 2:17)?

            A.        A wave of God’s wrath

            B.         The sword of the Lord

            C.         The violence they had done to Lebanon

            D.         A fire will consume the walls of Babylon


34. What will terrify the Babylonians (Hab 2:17)?

            A.        A shadow of darkness that will come over the land

            B.         The Medes and the Persians

            C.         The sun will be turned to blood

            D.        Their destruction of the animals


35. What teaches lies (Hab 2:18)?

            A.        The king of Babylon

            B.         An image

            C.         The false prophets

            D.        The priests of Marduk


36. What does God point to that the Babylonian idols cannot do (Hab 2:18)?

            A.        Speak

            B.         Walk

            C.         Listen

            D.        Raise their hand


37. To whom is there a woe (Hab 2:19)?

            A.        Who says to wood “Come to life”

            B.         To the one crafting idols of gold

            C.         To those who withhold justice

            D.        To those who worship idols


38. What does an idol not have (Hab 2:19)?

            A.        Life

            B.         Breathe

            C.         Sight

            D.        Hands


39. Where is the Lord while the whole earth is to be silent before him (Hab 2:20)?

            A.        Between the cherubim

            B.         In the land of Israel

            C.         In his holy temple

            D.        In new Jerusalem


40. When God is in his holy temple what should the response of the world be (Hab 2:20)?

            A.        Hiding from his wrath

            B.         Covering their lips

            C.         Bowing to the ground before him

            D.        Silent before him


Habakkuk 3

1.  On what does Habakkuk offer his prayer (Hab 3:1)?

            A.        On Alamoth

            B.         On Gittith

            C.         On Miktam

            D.        On Shigionoth


2. In Habakkuk’s prayer he says what has he heard of (Hab 3:2)?

            A.        The violence of the Chaldeans

            B.         The Lord’s fame

            C.         The Lord’s great compassion

            D.        The Lord’s mighty arm


3. What does Habakkuk pray God would remember in wrath (Hab 3:2)?

            A.        Forgiveness

            B.         Love

            C.         Mercy

            D.        Redemption


4. What does Habakkuk ask God to renew in his day (Hab 3:2)?

            A.        His presence in the temple

            B.         Deliverance from bondage

            C.         His covenant

            D.        His deeds


5. Where does Habakkuk say God came from (Hab 3:3)?

            A.        Zion

            B.         Teman

            C.         Thebes

            D.        Sinai


6. What does God’s praise fill (Hab 3:3)?

            A.        The earth

            B.         The heavens

            C.         The land of Israel

            D.        Mount Zion


7. From what mount does the Holy One come from (Hab 3:3)?

            A.        Sinai

            B.         Zion

            C.         Paran

            D.        Nebo


8. What does Habakkuk say God’s splendor is like (Hab 3:4)?

            A.        The lofty mountains of Sinai

            B.         A thunder storm in the desert

            C.         The sunrise with rays flashing

            D.        A gentle rain in the summer


9. Where do rays flash from (Hab 3:4)?

            A.        From the heavens

            B.         From his throne

            C.         From his eyes

            D.        From his hand


10. What went before God (Hab 3:5)?

            A.        Glory

            B.         Plague

            C.         Flashing rays

            D.        Famine


11. What did pestilence do (Hab 3:5)?

            A.        Went before God

            B.         Flowed from his throne

            C.         Followed his steps

            D.        Smote the land


12. What happened when God stood (Hab 3:6)?

            A.        The earth shook

            B.         The mountains clapped their hands

            C.         The sun was darkened

            D.        The moon turned to blood


13. When God stood what happened to the ancient mountains (Hab 3:6)?

            A.        They were flattened

            B.         They crumbled

            C.         They shook

            D.        They leaped


14. How does Habakkuk describe God’s ways (Hab 3:6)?

            A.        Straight

            B.         Steadfast

            C.         Eternal

            D.        Just and right


15. Whose tents did Habakkuk see in distress (Hab 3:6)?

            A.        Egypt

            B.         Aram

            C.         Gilead

            D.        Cushan


16. Whose dwellings did Habakkuk see in anguish (Hab 3:7)?

            A.        Egypt

            B.         Midian

            C.         Aram

            D.        Gilead


17. What does Habakkuk portray God riding on (Hab 3:7)?

            A.        On horses and his victorious chariots

            B.         On the clouds of the heavens

            C.         On the wings of the dawn

            D.        On eagles wings swooping down to devour


18. What did Habakkuk ask God if he raged against (Hab 3:8)?

            A.        The mountains

            B.         The sea

            C.         The clouds

            D.        The enemy


19. What happened when the Lord looks (Hab 3:6)?

            A.        He sees the hearts of all the people

            B.         The desert caves are lit up

            C.         The nations tremble

            D.        The walls topple


20. What did God uncover (Hab 3:9)?

            A.        His arm

            B.         His shield

            C.         Iniquity

            D.        His bow


21. With what did God split the earth (Hab 3:9)?

            A.        Earthquakes

            B.         Valleys

            C.         Rivers

            D.        His feet


22. What writhed when they saw the Lord (Hab 3:10)?

            A.        The mountains

            B.         The rivers

            C.         The sea

            D.        The people


23. In Habakkuk’s prayer what roared (Hab 3:10)?

            A.        The wind

            B.         The lions

            C.         The deep

            D.        The mountains


24. Habakkuk describes what happening to the sun and moon (Hab 3:11)?

            A.        Turning to darkness

            B.         Standing still in the heavens

            C.         Becoming blood red in the sky

            D.        Falling to the earth


25. Habakkuk describes lightning flashing from _____ (Hab 3:11)

            A.        God’s eyes

            B.         The voice of the Lord

            C.         Mount Zion

            D.        God’s flashing spear


26. What did God do in anger (Hab 3:12)?

            A.        Judged the Chaldeans

            B.         Threshed the nations

            C.         Cut their enemies with a sickle

            D.        Sent an army of locusts against them


27. Who did God come out to save (Hab 3:13)?

            A.        His remnant

            B.         His sheep

            C.         His anointed one

            D.        His beloved


28. Who did God crush (Hab 3:13)?

            A.        The children of the Chaldeans

            B.         The leader of the land of wickedness

            C.         The priests of the foreign gods

            D.        The wheat of Midian


29. What did God do to the leader of the land of wickedness (Hab 3:13)?

            A.        Clothed him in rags

            B.         Sent him into exile at the head of his people

            C.         Covered his head with shame

            D.        Stripped him from head to foot


30.What did God do with his [Chaldean’s] own spear (Hab 3:14)?

            A.        Pierced his head

            B.         Stabbed him through the heart

            C.         Gave him a fatal wound

            D.        Shattered it


31. Who were his [Chaldean] warriors gloating as though about to devour (Hab 3:14)?

            A.        Their enemies upon the city walls

            B.         The wretched who were in hiding

            C.         The cattle, sheep and goats

            D.        Anyone who opposed them


32. With what did God trample the sea (Hab 3:15)?

            A.        His feet

            B.         His great winds

            C.         His horses

            D.        His chariots


33. When Habakkuk heard the churning of the great waters he had all of the following responses EXCEPT (Hab 3:16)

            A.        His heart pounded

            B.         His lips quivered

            C.         His legs trembled

            D.        His flesh turned white


34. For what will Habakkuk wait patiently (Hab 3:16)?

            A.        The day of calamity coming on the nation invading Israel

            B.         The Day of the Lord coming with the clouds of heaven

            C.         The great day coming on all the unrighteous

            D.        The time of the end when injustice will be swept away forever


35. What will Habakkuk do though the fig tree does not bud (Hab 3:17f)?

            A.        Wait for the Lord’s deliverance

            B.         Rejoice in the Lord

            C.         Praise God from whom all blessings flow

            D.        Be silent


36. Habakkuk will rejoice even though all of the following happen EXCEPT (Hab 3:17)?

            A.        The fig tree does not bud

            B.         There are no grapes on the vines

            C.         There is not wheat in the field

            D.        The olive crop fails

            E.         There are no sheep in the pen


37. Habakkuk says the Lord is ________ (Hab 3:19)

            A.        His salvation

            B.         His rock

            C.         His Father

            D.        His strength


38. What does God do for Habakkuk (Hab 3:19)?

            A.        Makes his heart like a lion

            B.         Makes his feet like the feet of a deer

            C.         Makes him as strong as a bear

            D.        Gives him courage


39. Where does God allow Habakkuk to go (Hab 3:19)?

            A.        Through the valley of the shadow of death

            B.         Into deep waters

            C.         On the heights

            D.        Onto the clouds


40. The prayer of Habakkuk was to be played on _______ (Hab 3:19)

            A.        Trumpets

            B.         Stringed instruments

            C.         A harp

            D.        The heights


41.  Who is given directions at the end of Habakkuk’s prayer (Hab 3:19)?

            A.        The king

            B.         The righteous

            C.         The people on Zion

            D.        The director of music
