
In those days there is no king in Israel everyone did that which was right in his own eyes, Judges 21:25

Meet the Judge

          Deut 16:18-20  establish justice / no bribes

          Military deliverers leading Israel to war

         Judges 2:16

          Tribal or regional Chieftan:  ruled for 40 years

Participation of each Generation

          Joshua took the all the land (Jos 21:43-45)

          Tension with Judges:--not really  (Jud 1:19; cf. 1:21)

          Conditionality of the covenant (Jud 2:20-22), some left to test Israel

          Cross generational communication (Jud 2:10f)—teach each generation warfare (3:1f)

Main Themes

          Need for a king (Judg 17:6)—Judah pushed (northern tribes negative)

          Main theme:  everyone did what was right in his own eyes (Judg 21:25)

Judges cycle: ROC DR

          Rebellion:       people did evil in eyes…

          Oppression:    sold into the hands of ...

          Cry:                  people cry to the LORD

          Deliverance:    God raises up a judge

          Rest:                 judge ruled for x years

Ehud:  mini cycle

          Rebellion 3:12 “once again Israel did evil in eyes of Lord”

          Retribution 3:12b-14 sold into hands of Eglon fat king of Moab (geography)

          Relents:   Ehud’s left-handed weirdness is God’s opportunity

         Escape 3:23f—NLT—latrine escape

          Rest:  3:30


Deborah:  women in leadership?

          Jud 4:4:  she’s married, she’s a leader, she tells men what to do, she’s approved by God. 

          How do you explain that?

          How do you fit that with 1 Cor 14:33f and 1 Tim 2:11-15


          God uses women when there are no good men.  --Barak whimpish

          Deborah is an exception.  Exceptions prove the rule

          Progressive revelation:  Paul’s statements tell the way it should be

          Gal. 3:28 principle; Eph. 5:21—Scriptural dissonance-cultural issue

          Competence and gifts not gender (Huldah, Philip’s prophesying daughters)

Woman with a hammer

          Sisera (Jabin of Hazor’s general) - Jael

Gideon and Midian:  Judg 6

          Threshing in the wine press?  (6:11)

          Call of Gideon:  (6:12f)—Jeru-Baal 6:31f

          Gideon’s fleece and determining God’s will à testing (6:36ff)

How does one determine God’s will?

          Guidelines:  with moral/divine will?—good?, 

          Pursue passions, gifts/calling,

          Wisdom (self, culture, opportunities, risks, potential);

          Open/closed doors,

          Open/closed hands—divine guidance,

          Family/friend’s advice, needs

Gideon and Midian:  Judg 7

          God’s getting the victory

         Too many warriors (7:2)

         Eliminating fearful (7:3)

         Drinking separation (7:5f à 300): 

         few good warriors?

         7:19ff Sword of the Lord and Gideon

Are there fables in the Bible? (Jud 9)

          Jotham’s fable to Abimelech (killed 70 brothers):  love it (9:6ff) trees elect a king

          Thornbush rule: On power’s ability to corrupt

          First Kingship attempt—Abi-melech?


          Does God ever say the opposite of what He means?  Jud 10:14

         On using context to interpret

          On making great vows to God (11:30f; cf. Eccl 5:2-6)

          Does Jephthah smoke his daughter?

         –virgin, mourn not marrying, ”or”, Num. 8:11 dedicating (Rom. 12:1f), Heb 11/1 Sam. 12:11

          Shibboleth // sibboleth--Ephraimites versus Gileadites (12:6)

Samson (Σαμψων)

          Rebellion (13:1) -- retribution (13:1)

          Three women in Samson’s life

Wife from Timnah (Jud 14)

          Parents inability to say “no”

          Samson’s riddle

          Why are tears so powerful?

          How not to treat a woman 14:16, 18

          What is the relation of the Spirit to people in the OT?  (Jud 14:19)