Exodus Bible-robics
Moses floats
to Pharaoh’s side
Kills and flees
to Sinai-ide
Yahweh’s bush
burns with fire
Moses claims
he can’t inspire
Stick to snake
Nile to blood
Firstborn die
no Passover blood
Red Sea splits
shows God's glory
Chariots sink,
Sing that story!
Water from rock
Manna on the lands
10 commandments
Israel to Sinai
Golden calf’s busted
Glory cloud to desert
Tabernacle’s constructed
BIG LC SPAMS—Ten Commandments
No Blasphemy, Idols, other gods;
No Lying, Coveting [LC]
No Stealing;
Honor Parents; No Adultery, Murder;
Remember Sabbath [SPAMS]
Exodus Bible-robics
Moses floats Hands
twinkling out in front-waters flowing
to Pharaoh’s side Arms
to side
Kills and flees Stab
in heart with hand clutched on knife,
to Sinai-ide (Sin-y-ide) running
in place
Yahweh’s bush
burns with fire Hands
flying up like flame--twice
Moses says
he can’t inspire Shake
head “No”
Stick to snake Hands
up holding stick, swerve like snake
Nile to blood, Slit wrist with finger (knife)
Firstborn die One finger up, slit throat
no Passover blood Hands up dabbing blood on 3 sides & over
head of imaginary doorway
Red Sea splits, Hands
together in front, split out 180°
shows God’s glory Hands
lifted up
Chariots sink Thumbs
up and then arms sweeping
Sing that story! down (thumbs down)
Finger out swinging like leading a choir
Water from rock Hands hit rock scatter like dispersing water
Manna on the lands Fingers twinkling down (snow fall)
10 commandments Both hands out—10 fingers
BIG LC SPAMS Flex muscles (big) rub stomach (spam)
Israel to Sinai Hands like mountain
Golden calf’s busted Hammer busting golden calf
Glory cloud to desert Both
hands expanding like cloud Tabernacle’s
constructed Hands like
stretching out building curtains
BIG LC SPAMS—Ten Commandments
No Blasphemy, Idols, other gods;
No Lying, Coveting [LC]
No Stealing; Honor Parents; No Adultery, Murder; Remember Sabbath [SPAMS]